I am so glad someone else feels that way! I'm always disappointed when I search for similar artists to Joanna, the search results always focus on the traits that you expect them to, like her quirky voice or unusual music. She writes music like nobody else. It's all subjective I guess :p
The only other artist who really cares about beauty for me is Anthony and the Johnsons.
Especially his old stuff. Cripple and the starfish, man is the baby. Soft black stars
And every little gust that chances through Will dance in the dust of me and you
Yeah, I know! I stay hopeful and look for folky artists and end up disappointed each time. The only artists I can say I love in that same-ish kind of scene would be Joni Mitchell and Josephine Foster, but even they come nowhere near the emotional impact and the pure genious that I find present in nearly all of Joanna's music...
In other genres, like hip-hop, I find myself comparing less so it tends to be perhaps generally more enjoyable.
I absolutely love Antony as well, his stuff is very emotional and beautiful. I must say The Crying Light is my favourite album though I've only got that one and I Am a Bird Now (which I also adore). I'll check out the debut album now for sure!
One I find can sometimes approach Joanna when it comes to lyrical prowess however is Jacques Brel, though I can appreciate him less easily considering I'll usually have to do some thorough translation first... But especially songs like this, leave my gaze blank and mouth wide open https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VzgpdfUe5o
Ils parlent de la mort comme tu parles d´un fruit Ils regardent la mer comme tu regardes un puits Les femmes sont lascives au soleil redouté Et s´il n´y a pas d´hiver, cela n´est pas l´été La pluie est traversière, elle bat de grain en grain Quelques vieux chevaux blancs qui fredonnent Gauguin Et par manque de brise, le temps s´immobilise Aux Marquises
Du soir, montent des feux et des points de silence Qui vont s´élargissant, et la lune s´avance Et la mer se déchire, infiniment brisée Par des rochers qui prirent des prénoms affolés Et puis, plus loin, des chiens, des chants de repentance Et quelques pas de deux et quelques pas de danse Et la nuit est soumise et l´alizé se brise Aux Marquises
Le rire est dans le cœur, le mot dans le regard Le cœur est voyageur, l´avenir est au hasard Et passent des cocotiers qui écrivent des chants d´amour Que les sœurs d´alentour ignorent d´ignorer Les pirogues s´en vont, les pirogues s´en viennent Et mes souvenirs deviennent ce que les vieux en font Veux-tu que je te dise : gémir n´est pas de mise Aux Marquises
sorry but I dare not to translate such a beautiful song...
Yes, I love this song! I'm familiar with most of Brel's work but I only know a few of the lyrics properly. For this one I've only picked up the occasional word and sentence that I can understand, but I'll definitely get around to getting a better understanding of it now! And yeah, when I translate it's merely for comprehension, I love getting a glimpse of how the french language can be used artistically, it's so beautiful even in ordinary settings! My French skills are limited but I've wanted to learn it for ages, it's a lifelong project maybe!
Of his other songs I'm quite fond of Jaurés, and La Bastille makes me happy.